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Training courses of Makarov Training Centre of Professional Development Programmes Institute, Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, available in English


N Program Hours Price, USD Price, Euro
1 Operational use of electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS) (Table A-II/1, STCW Code) 40 265,00 240,00
2 Operational use of electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS) (Table A-II/1, STCW Code) (refresher) 16 245,00 225,00
3 Manoeuvring and handling of ships with bow thruster and azimuth thruster 32 945,00 860,00
4 Basic training for ships operating in polar waters in accordance with paragraph 1 Section А-V/4 of STCW Code (paragraph 2 Regulation V/4, STCW Convention) 40 1 265,00 1 150,00
5 Basic training for ships operating in polar waters in accordance with paragraph 1 Section А-V/4 of STCW Code (paragraph 2 Regulation V/4, STCW Convention) (refresher) 8 320,00 290,00
6 Advanced training for ships operating in polar waters in accordance with paragraph 2 Section А-V/4 of STCW Code ( paragraph 4.3 Regulation V/4, STCW Convention) 40 1 395,00 1 270,00
7 Refresher and updating program for specialists in advanced training for ships operating in polar waters 24 585,00 535,00
8 Training crew members for ships operating in polar waters (for group up to 12 person) 21 18 400,00 16 730,00
9 Train the trainer (in accordance with IMO model course 6.09 Training course for instructors) 40 2 940,00 2 675,00
10 Train the simulator trainer and assessor (in accordance with IMO model course 6.10 Train the simulator trainer and assessor) 40 2 940,00 2 675,00
11 Train the trainer, train the simulator trainer and assessor (in accordance with IMO model courses 6.09 and 6.10) 40 2 940,00 2 675,00
12 Cold water survival 4 80,00 75,00
13 Crew resource management (for group 8 – 10 person) 40 10 160,00 9 240,00
14 DP Induction 40 1 895,00 1 720,00
15 DP Simulator 40 2 185,00 1 990,00
16 Dynamic ship positioning system  maintenance


40 1 910,00 1 735,00

The pages with courses’ descriptions in the ctalog below are being updated. Please refer to the table above for courses available in English and contact Makarov Training Centre for details.


For Inland Navigation
For Cadets and Students
For Yachtsmen and Small Craft Navigators
For Security and Transportation Safety. Shipboard Damage Control courses.
For Hydraulic Engineers
For Oil Spill Responders and specialists in Dangerous Goods Trans-shipment
For officials and specialists of seaport administrations, state-financed institutions, FSUE ‘Rosmorport’
For personnel of shipping, logistics, stevedoring, survey and forwarding companies


Professional knowledge assessment using Delta-Test software system (one module) – 8 hrs.

Preparation for Delta-Test system assessment in learning mode (one module) – 8 hrs.

For more information visit Makarov Training Centre (MTC) page.