Objectives and Main Activities of the Makarov TC
The Makarov Training Centre is the largest division of the University’s Institute of Professional Development Programmes.
The aim of the MTC is providing quality service on professional development and re-training of maritime transportation specialists, carrying out research and development, positioning of the University and PDP Institute as national leader in the above areas.
Main objective of the Makarov TC is to provide quality service in further vocational training for maritime, inland navigation and oil and gas sectors using high-technology equipment, information systems, simulators, software and hardware resources, systems of electronic and distance learning.
Important objective imposed on the Makarov TC by the University management is practical training of cadets and students of the “Maritime Academy” Institute and SUMIS College in agreement with the STCW Convention for subsequent training ship voyages.

Main activities of the Centre are:
- Organisation of simulator training for cadets and students for training ship voyage and subsequent certification in compliance with the STCW Convention
- Training, retraining and professional development for maritime and oil and gas sectors.
- Training of maritime ship crews according to requirements of STCW Convention and the Russian Ministry of Transport
- Training instructors for simulator training centres, assessors and heads of simulator training.
- Optimisation of ship routing in port areas under construction
- Modelling and justification of change in parameters of vessels allowed to navigate in port approaches, seaport areas and cargo handling terminals.
- Developing information systems and database management systems;
- Developing qualification standards and requirements to personnel of sea transport and offshore infrastructure.
- Developing test papers and assessment criteria for crews of seagoing ships and inland waterway transport, pilots, VTMS operators and other categories.