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The Biggest Arctic Gas Carrier Passed through the Northern Sea Route under the Pilotage of the Admiral Makarov State University Instructor

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Senior instructor of the Makarov Training Centre captain Igor Zlodeev as an ice tutor for the ship Master conducted one of the largest gas carriers of an ice class  «Boris Vilkitsky» through the Northern Sea Route during her maiden arctic voyage.

«Boris Vilkitsky»is the next in a string of arctic tankers designed to carry Russian liquefied natural gas within the framework of the «Yamal-LNG» project.The gas carrier «Christophe de Margerie», belonging to the biggest Russian shipping company  «Sovcomflot» pioneered the line.

Vessels of this type have unique parameters and technical characteristics: length overall 299 meters, beam 50 meters, propulsion plant consists of  6 diesel-generators  of a total power  60 000 КWt., propellers are 3 azipods with a total power of 45 000 КWt. Safety of navigation is ensured by up-to-date equipment and devices. The navigating bridge is equipped with ice radars, video-cameras and thermal/infrared imagers. There is a wheelhouse for navigating stern first in heavy ice which increases the ice passability of the ship.

It should be emphasized that all crewmembers beginning with the master and finishing with the cook had their specific pre-voyage training at the Makarov  Training Centre. Deck officers studied the art of operating the vessel in ice under the supervision of instructors from Makarov university on the simulator owned by the Krylov State Research Center, on board icebreaker «Nevskay Zastava» and  on training ship «Каtarina». Engineers and ratings under the supervision of the university instructors acquired skills in safe operation in cold climate and survival in ice conditions.

«Boris Vilkitsky» entered the Northern Sea Route waters and the next day encountered ice. At first it was only young ice but while the vessel was moving westward the ice became thicker and more consolidated, with hummocks, small icebergs and multi-year ice incorporated in ice floes. The gas carrier was able to test the strength of her hull and power of her propulsion units .

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According to capt. Zlodeev, because of the vessel’s heavy draft, 10,6 m.,it was decided to plot the course to the north of  Novosibirsky islands. Here the vessel encountered heavy ice and had to «ram» it. And in the Vilkitsky Strait the ice was under pressure and the vessel proceeded stern first. Having passed the Kara Gates «Boris Vilkitsky» crossed the western boarder of the Northern Sea Route and afterwards dropped anchor in the roadstead of the port of Murmansk.

During her first arctic voyage the ship’s crew familiarized themselves with technical peculiarities of operating the ship at low temperatures and obtained invaluable experience of navigation in Arctic waters.

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The instructor of the Makarov Training Centre had a unique opportunity to navigate the «Yamal» project vessels which in the nearest future are to be used for transportation of the Russian gas from the port of Sabetta.

The Makarov Training Centre has developed a number of courses for crews operating ships in polar waters. Some programs got accreditation of one of the major classification societies  Class NK and were approved by the Administration of Marshall Islands. The Krylov ice simulator used by the University allows to develop and brush up  the most important skills necessary for operating in ice. The Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping broadens its cooperation in this field with the Finnish colleagues, thus training is carried on board Finnish ice class ship in the Baltic Sea and on board icebreaker operating in the port of Saint-Petersburg area. The Centre put into operation  precise mathematical models of «Christophe de Margerie» type gas carriers, «Ob’» type icebreaker and «Yuribey» type ice tugs, participating in implementation of the «Yamal-LNG» project.


The Professional Development Programmes Institute of the Admiral Makarov State Univesity of Maritime and Inland Shipping was established in March 2015 on the basis of PDP centers , it consists of 6 training centers and support department. More than 20 thousand people are trained here annually. The following structures are situated in Saint-Petersburg- Makarov Training Centre, Deck Officer PDP center, Ship Engineers PDP center, Inland Shipping PDP center, «Caterpillar» training center, Transport Management PDP training center. There are also branches in Murmansk , Arkhangelsk and Moscow.

«Yamal-LNG» is an integrated project on production, liquefaction and delivery of natural gas.The project is intended for construction of a liquefied natural gas plant with an output capacity of  16,5 mln.t. per year on South Tambey field resource base. Proven and probable resources of the field by PRMS standards comprise 926 billion cubic. м. Transport infrastructure including a sea port and an airport are being developed within the framework of the project.