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Scientific Activities

Over the last years the Makarov training centre has acquired the name of reputable research laboratory in maritime accident investigation, optimal routeing in new navigation areas and ports under construction (including Sabetta port). The recommendations identified make basis for mandatory regulations and navigation rules at ports.

Recommendations of the Makarov training centre specialists have been used in development of mandatory regulations for ports of Primorsk, Vysotsk, Bronka, St. Petersburg and others. For twenty years the Makarov training centre operates as integrated “virtual ship” “navigating” in various ocean areas of the world. “Virtual ship” allows mooring, tugging, search and rescue operations, reproduces various “emergency scenarios” for personnel training, and provides training of commanding officers in principles of effective decision making.

Time variation of propelling unit rotation frequency for Delta Pioneer tanker


Delta Pioneer tanker

Poseidon tug

Triton tug

During its history, the Makarov training centre has accumulated significant experience in research and feasibility studies for technical projects, and in development of dedicated software systems.
The MTC has active Science and Technology Council for Simulators, Training Complexes and Operator Information Management Systems, led by RAS Corresponding Member prof. A.E. Sazonov.
The Centre’s staff take part in scientific and technological councils of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, Russian River Register and other organisations. Research works are conducted in industrial-research laboratories for development of databases, navigation area models, resources and assets involved in emergency situations.

Tanker path calculation at initial conditions corresponding to tanker movement at disengagement of Poseidon tug.


The Makarov training centre specialists are involved in development of programs, procedures and standards for seafarers training and assessment. Improvement of methods and tools for simulation training is underway. The prospects include development of distance learning techniques.

Main directions of research, requirements elaboration and standards development:

  • Developing methodology of requirements setting for broad range of simulators.
  • Developing forecasting methods with quantification of negative impact of human factors to ship safety.
  • Developing expert systems for evaluation of safety management system quality for shipping companies and ships.
  • Developing requirements to methods of validity evaluation for math models used in simulation.
  • Developing competence requirements and standards for personnel engaged at offshore installations.
  • Developing instructions and guidelines for operators of dynamic positioning systems.
  • Developing guidance for ships operating in Polar waters.
  • Developing system for monitoring ice conditions for Arctic oil and gas installations.
  • Developing methods for using simulators in experimental research on ship handling in restricted routes and waters in different weather conditions for different types.
  • Developing techniques of joint training on universal simulator for navigators and ship engineers on the watch.
  • Scientific expert assessment of emergency situations at sea and developing recommendations for ship accidents prevention.

Among our major customers: The Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, Unicom, stevedoring companies, oil terminals.

On matters related to scientific activities, expert assessments and research please contact the Head of the Makarov training centre Sergey Aysinov.
Tel. +7 (812) 444-00-04
E-mail: info@mtc.spb.su