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Makarov training centre of the Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping commissioned a new simulator for evacuation of the drilling platform

донат 4888

Makarov training centre (MTC) of the Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping commissioned a new simulator that simulates a modern evacuation system from the drilling platform. The Training complex «Donut» is intended for practicing the skills of using individual means of descent (IM of D) in emergency situations at offshore oil and gas facilities.

The Donut system is widely used at facilities operated in ice conditions for emergency evacuation of drilling rig crews when the use of boats and rafts is not possible.

The Donut system has unique characteristics: it is specially intended for evacuation from sea platforms and allows to be evacuated from height to 70 meters. Exclusive durability allows using a system in extreme weather conditions.

Having put a training complex into operation, MTC immediately began to prepare for the use of personal controls descent DONUT crews of sea oil and gas production facilities. A team of instructors developed the training program, designed library of the presentations and a set of practical exercises.

Instructors, conducting classes, were trained in recognized training center, including the rules of work at height. The practical parts of the training at the same time realize the two instructors and a first aider, which ensures complete safety of trainees during lessons.

DONUT basic user training course provides at Safety and survival centre since November 2018. Staff MISP “Prirazlomnaja” completed the DONUT course in December 2018 in combination with other courses (BOSIET, HUET, Evacuation sleeve). It saves the customer overhead and supplies a package providing specialized educational services.