About the Institute
The Professional Development Programmes Institute (PDP Institute) was founded with the order of the Rector of Admiral Makarov SUMIS in March 2015 based on the Centre for Professional Development acting at that time. The Institute Regulation was approved by the order 381 of 03.04.2015.
PDP Institute is a structural part of the FSBEI HI «ADMIRAL MAKAROV SUMIS». The Institute has 6 Training Centres in St. Petersburg and divisions at Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and Petrozavodsk Branches of the University.
Classes at the Institute are given not only by the University lecturers but also by specialists from other educational and scientific institutions, qualified professionals from profile enterprises, state and municipal authorities as well as the Institute staff instructors.

The Institute operates in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation on Education, the University Charter, academic decisions of the University, and local legislation. Working training programmes comply with approved model programmes and are built with account of model courses of the International Maritime Organisation. They also correspond to other recognized standards.
Courses at the Institute are delivered under the license for training and education, the approval by the Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation, compliance certificates from the RF Agency of Maritime and Inland Shipping, approvals from leading Classification Societies and accreditations by international organisations.
Main activities and objectives of the PDP Institute
In accordance with the University’s license, the PDP Institute delivers additional professional training for crew members of marine vessels and rivercraft, specialists of inland water transport, onshore staffs, emergency and oil spill response personnel, operators and engineers of vessel traffic control system, sea and river pilots, ship and port facility security specialists, maritime industry and oil-and-gas extraction industry professionals, including offshore operations.

Training is also offered for hydraulic engineers, shipbuilders, environmental safety experts, engine installation, commissioning, start-up, operation and maintenance engineers, crews of sport vessels, pleasure crafts, cadets and students, simulator training instructors and lecturers of profile educational institutions.
There are also courses for professional development, certificate obtaining and revalidation, learning new jobs, new navigation areas and vessel types, equipment and technical facilities to comply with current codes, standards and norms. Simulator based and practical courses allow to solidify theoretical learning on practice.
Specialists of the Institute perform research work, develop learning programmes and guidance manuals.
In cooperation with interested agencies and organisations the PDP Institute participates in drafting national qualification standards, performance specifications for dedicated training equipment and training centres, as well as in preparation of draft model programmes and regulatory documents.
The PDP Institute performs test management and trial runs of custom training simulators and simulator devices under implementation, as well as domestic and imported shipboard and shore based equipment. Specialists of the Institute provide consulting, scientific investigation of programmes, projects, recommendations and other relevant documents and materials, take part in investigation of maritime accidents to provide recommendations for navigators, sea pilots, operators of vessel traffic control systems.
Educational process organisation
Training in the Institute is conducted in classroom or online, within terms required by learning programmes. All the courses are available in Russian. Some courses are provided in English. Classes in other languages could be provided on request.
Part of the courses are run at scheduled time, while some are provided when training groups are formed or upon request from companies.
If required, the attendees are issued with a certificate confirming training attendance period. Participants having fulfilled all training plan requirements are admitted to end-of-course assessment (if training programme requires), and depending on results are issued with a duly executed standard document:

- Professional advancement certificate.
- Diploma of professional retraining.
- Certificate confirming attendance of professional training course.
- Certificate (Record) confirming successful training and assessment of knowledge and skills to qualify for grade, position or against training programme requirements.
The Institute organizes and runs training workshops, scientific and technical conferences with subsequent issue of participation certificates.
Commitment to Quality Policy
The Institute operates specialists training in compliance with the University Quality Policy. This implies quality of services provided, qualification of the Institute personnel, conformance to requirements of external and internal regulatory documents, regular update of training programmes, continuous improvement of methods and tools used by the Institute for training and assessment.
The Institute develops and pursues development strategy defining strategic vision of the Institute, setting objectives and targets, and forms 5-year strategy implementation plan.

Core Development Objectives for 2016-2020:
- Implementation of Vision statement – ‘Admiral Makarov SUMIS is a Russian Federation intellectual leader in maritime and inland shipping transport industry in Professional Development Services by 2020’
- Leadership in development and implementation of knowledge intensive trainings and new training formats (e-learning, distance learning systems)
- Providing PDP courses with highly qualified staff
- Growth of hourly rates for PDP course trainers to secure competitive position.
- Improvement of training quality through growth of management efficiency and resource availability for professional development programmes (training aids, procedural guidelines)
- Doubling SUMIS revenues from Professional Development Programmes by 2020
- Training profitability growth by 20% in 5 years
Collegiate authority of the PDP Institute is Academic Council of the Institute. Direct management of the Institute is performed by the Director.
Academic Council of the Institute consists of Deputy Directors and structural units Heads as well as heads or representatives of departments and divisions providing paid educational services. The Council within the Institute forms policy in paid educational services, approves development plans of the Institute, reviews draft local regulations related to organization of paid educational services.
Cand. Sc. (Tech.)
Sergey Aysinov
- Тел.: +7 (812) 444-00-04
- E-mail: info@mtc.spb.su
Yuri G. Guriev
- Тел.: +7 812) 321-53-86
- E-mail: gurievug@gumrf.ru
Olga V. Mozgovaya
- Тел.: +7 (812) 655-10-47
- E-mail: olgam@mtc.spb.su
Heads of Divisions
Head of Makarov Training Centre
Cand. Sc. (Tech.)
Sergey Aysinov
- Тел.: +7 (812) 444-10-12
- E-mail: info@mtc.spb.su

Head of Inland Shipping PDP Training Centre
Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Servey V. Spiryakov
- Тел.: +7 (812) 748-97-13
- E-mail: SSpiryakov@mtc.spb.su
Head of Deck officers PDP Training Centre
Associate Prof.
Vladimir A. Stepanov
- Тел.: +7 (812) 444-03-33
- E-mail: stepanovva@gumrf.ru
Head of Ship Engineers and Electro-Technical Officers PDP Training Centre, Head of Arctic Maritime Competences Centre — Associate Prof.
Yuri G. Guriev
- Тел.: +7 (812) 321-53-86
- E-mail: gurievug@gumrf.ru

Head of Engineers PDP Training Centre
- E-mail: simakovas@gumrf.ru
Heads of PDP Centres at the University branches

Head of Murmansk Branch of the University
Roman B. Ryabchenko
- E-mail: mfgumrf@mail.ru

Head of Regional PDP Centre in Arkhangelsk Branch of the University
Nikolay V. Rushakov
- E-mail: rcdpo29@mail.ru

Head of Regional PDP Centre in Petrozavodsk Branch of the University
Aleksander V. Vasilyev
- E-mail: bofgumrf@mail.ru
Approvals, Certification, Accreditation
- Agreement for Recognition of Seafarers STCW training at the Admiral Makarov SUMIS by the Ministry of transport of Russia (Maritime Administration of Russia)
- State Accreditation Certificate of 13.04.2017(by Ministry of Education of Russia)
- Certificate by the Federal Agency of the Maritime and Inland Shipping of compliance of simulator training Centre for GMDSS programmes dated 27.06.2014. Valid till 25.06. 2019
- Сertificate of the Federal Agency of Maritime and Inland Shipping on conformance of simulator training Centre (approval for programmes on Radar Observation and plotting, Automatic Radar Plotting Aids/ARPA, Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems, Vessel Traffic Service personnel training) of 29.06.2016. Valid till 25.06. 2019
- License for educational activities of 21.03.2017(by Ministry of Education of Russia)
- Certificate of Compliance ISO 9001:2015 no.26.056.327 10.09.2021
- Certificate of the Federal Agency of Maritime and Inland Shipping on conformance of simulator training Centre (for programmes on safety and security, and dangerous goods handling) of 25.05.2017 valid till 25.05.2022
- Certificate of The Nautical Institute on re-accreditation of Maritime Training Centre (for DP programmes) , prolongation till 31.03.2022
- the document on prolongation of the certificate of The Nautical Institute on re-accreditation of Maritime Training Centre (for DP programmes) of 1.08.2018
- Certificate of Approval by the Administration of the Marshall Islands for Basic and Advanced Training courses for ships operating in polar waters
- Certificate of the Nautial Institute on re-accreditation of DP programs of Makarov Training Centre of 07.11.2019
- Сertificate of Maritime Education and Training Registration for Basic Training for Ships Operating in Polar Waters by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai of 19.01.2020 valid till 19.01.2023
- Сertificate of Maritime Education and Training Registration for Advanced Training for Ships Operating in Polar Waters by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai of 19.01.2020 valid till 19.01.2023